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Calais Day 2

Today started by supervising a delivery of firewood to the camp. This meant accompanying a senior member of staff to the camp to meet the delivery lorry and direct it to the drop off points. It cost 1100 Euros for one lorry full of firewood that was collected by approximately 30-40 refugees out of the estimated 7000 that are in the camp.

We arrived at 9am and there were CRS everywhere. These are a division of the French police who specialise in riot and crowd control. There were sevral vans parked on the road that leads up to the camp and there were several units walking through the camp in full riot gear when most of the camp was still asleep and definitely not rioting. They were wearing surgical style masks over their noses and mouths - presumably to protect themselves from airbourne disease - which only served to exaccerbate their hostile feeling presence.

The rest of the morning was spent in the warehouse sorting trousers and coats into 'useful, charity and rubbish'. We were screening for small sized waterproof coats as a prioirity and small dark coloured slim fit jeans and trousers.

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